Orders can be shipped within 4 to 6 weeks from the date that we get a confirmation of your order and a 50% Deposit received in our account. We can ship via FedEx, UPS, DHL, or any commercial carrier of your choice. All freight & custom duty wll be collected at your destination.
Terms Of Payment
After your order is confirmed by our sales department with a Pro-Forma Invoice, we must receive a 50% deposit in our account before we can proceed with the production. Our minimum is 30 pieces per style and a minimum of 10 kilos per order/shipment. Upon completion, we will notify you by email, and the balance of the amount due must be wire transferred (TT) to our account before we can dispatch your shipment. Our banking information will be send to you upon confirmation of your order. All our prices are quoted FOB, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the big fluctuation of the Silver prices these days, we will quote you the price of the Silver on the confirmation date after we receive 50% of the deposit in our bank (not delivery date). The manufacturing labor price will be the same everytime until further notice. Therefore, the price of each item may vary depending on the price of the Silver at the date you place and confirm your order with us. All our prices are quoted in U.S. Dollars.
Ready Stock
We do have some inventory in the Ready Stock section. You can place orders from this Ready Stock items and we can ship them within five days. This inventory will be updated on a weekly basis and therefore, the actual quantities may vary.